My Graveyard 2009. Great Heavy Metal from italy with a real great singer, not that kind without balls, powerfull and heavy. The covered LIZZY BORDEN´s "When Heaven Comes Down" and also the other songs are really 80ies power heavy metal that reminds me to some US bands like W.A.S.P., Lizzy Borden, Shok Paris, and some european influences from WARLOCK and RUNNING WILD. Take your chance and grab your STILL SEALED copy for a fair price!
My Graveyard 2009. Ein wirklich guter Release von dem kleine italienischen Label. Feiner Metal in der Schnittmenge von ganz traditionellen 80er Kombos wie alte WARLOCK treffen auf LIZZY BORDEN mit NWoBHM anhleihen. Grim Reaper fällt mir noch ein, nicht zuletzt weil sie "When Heaven Comes Down" gecovert haben. Ein echtes MUSS für jeden traditionsbewussten Metal Head. BUY OR DIE!!!
- Better Mad Than Dead
- Into The Fire
- Sweet Baby Runinï Wild
- Hunter Of Vampires
- Devils On The Streets
- Spiders
- Fight to Survive
- Like A Nightmare
- I Don´t Care
- Sleazin´ In The City
- When Heaven Comes Down
- Desire
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My Graveyard Productions
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